Zen While Benching

JM Blakely, a premier bench pressers ever, and his profound knowledge of the sport and unique approach to training. As a dedicated follower and student of Blakely's teachings, I have learned valuable lessons that have not only transformed my training but also influenced my personal growth, including how I teach. In this article, I would like to shed light on a few fundamental principles I have learned from JM Blakely: the importance of calm consistency, the significance of recovery in building strength, time management, and the art of intensity.


Calm Consistency is Key:

One of the most valuable lessons JM Blakely imparts is the power of calm consistency. Everything about him is calm and collected. He borderline speaks in whispers, but every word is carefully picked. In a world that often glorifies intensity and rapid results, Blakely emphasizes the significance of a steady, sustainable approach to training. Consistency breeds progress, and by adopting a calm and patient mindset, we can build a solid foundation for long-term success. Blakely teaches us to trust the process, to stay focused on our goals, and to embrace small, incremental improvements as the true markers of achievement. The markers are not based on what other people do, but what one desires of themselves. He often sounds like the calmest, quietest guy in the room. However, this guy could bench 700lbs in his heyday. From his lessons, I recognize and accept discipline outweighs motivation every time.  Just get started.


Muscle Growth Happens Outside the Gym:

While the gym is where we push our limits and challenge ourselves physically, JM Blakely reminds us that muscle growth occurs primarily outside of those walls. Recovery (and food) plays a crucial role in the journey towards strength and development. Blakely emphasizes the importance of rest, nutrition, and sleep to optimize recovery and support our bodies' ability to repair and grow. By prioritizing recovery, we allow our muscles to adapt and become stronger, ultimately maximizing the benefits of our training efforts. Though some of this practice I do not adopt, such as, McMuffin smothered in mayonnaise to gain weight. Nonetheless, I understand that mass moves mass and if I want to move heavier things, I too must have size to do it.

Having Time Management is helpful:

Time management is another crucial aspect that JM Blakely emphasizes in his approach to fitness. He understands that effective workouts don't necessarily require spending hours in the gym. Instead, Blakely encourages us to focus on the quality of our training sessions rather than the quantity. By optimizing our time and homing in on intense, purposeful sets, we can elicit the necessary stimulus for the body to adapt and grow. Blakely teaches us to prioritize our time, eliminate distractions, and make every minute count during our workouts. This approach not only saves valuable time but also ensures that we are consistently challenging our bodies to reach new heights of strength and performance. With efficient time management, we can make significant progress on our fitness journey, achieving remarkable results even with a limited number of sets.


Training with Intensity and Understanding Limits:

JM Blakely's approach to training is a delicate balance of intensity and self-awareness. He encourages us to push our limits, but not to the point of reckless injury or burnout. Blakely's teachings highlight the importance of understanding our bodies' capabilities and respecting our boundaries. By training with intensity, we challenge ourselves and promote growth, but it is equally vital to listen to our bodies, recognize signs of fatigue or overexertion, and adjust when necessary. This intelligent approach to training allows us to achieve optimal results while minimizing the risk of setbacks.

JM has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the fitness world, inspiring countless individuals to embark on their own transformative journeys. Through his teachings, he emphasizes the power of calm consistency, the significance of recovery in muscle growth, time management, and the art of training with intensity while understanding our limits. By incorporating these principles into our fitness routines and personal lives, we can achieve not only physical strength but also mental resilience and self-awareness. Let us embrace the wisdom of JM Blakely while recognizing it’s a meathead sport to lift weights. We do this so we continue to evolve, both inside and outside the gym, as we strive for our personal best. I’ll leave you with this. He once spoke about it being impractical to bench press over 315lbs.  He claims there is no need to, however, put a goal in his head and made 700lb bench press a reality at a few pounds at a time.


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