You Asked For This…
“You asked for strength, and you received challenges to make you stronger.”
Going Through A Lot?
"You know who is going through a lot right now? Literally everyone. Be kind."
It Is Not Too Late To Learn
We have all made mistakes, but it's not too late to learn from them.
Sometimes Re-Starting Is The Best Thing
All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best thing we can do is start over
Start Fresh Again
I’m grateful to have lived another day and be given the chance to start again.
Sacrifices We Must Take
To become the person you want to be, you must sacrifice the person you are now,"
They Are Not Jealous of The Work It Took
Others might be jealous of what you have or what you can do, but no one is jealous of the work needed to get there
It’s Okay To Be Lost
It's okay to feel lost sometimes, you've never been this version of yourself before.