Embrace the Autumn for Renewal

As the vibrant hues of summer gradually transform into the warm and earthy tones of autumn, nature provides us with a powerful metaphor for change and renewal. It's another season of transformation, where there is an opportunity to reflect on our journeys and embrace the idea of starting over. "All we can do is our best, and sometimes our best is to start over."

Starting over is a concept that often fills us with anxiety. It can feel like we are beginning at the base of a mountain, rejoining the eternal struggle with Sisyphus. What was all that time spent on if it only led to a fall? However, we should not resign ourselves to the trenches.

Autumn is a time of transition, a bridge between the scorching days of summer and the icy grip of winter. The days become shorter, the air crisper, and the world around us seems to slow down. Leaves fall from trees, creating a colorful carpet, and nature prepares for a period of rest and rejuvenation.

Similarly, on our journeys, there are times when we need to shed the old to make room for the new. It could be a routine that no longer serves us, a goal we've outgrown, or habits that no longer align with our aspirations. Just like the trees shedding their leaves, we must be willing to let go of what no longer serves us in our quest to become our best.

Starting over in fitness, life, or anything else is not a sign of failure; it's an act of wisdom and courage. It takes self-awareness to recognize when something isn't working and the bravery to hit the reset button. The Stoics, who found wisdom in simplicity, would remind us that sometimes the best way forward is to return to the basics.

Much like the changing seasons, progress in fitness and life is cyclical. We may make great strides for a while, only to find ourselves back at the starting line. This is not a setback but a part of the journey. It's the rhythm of life, where we move through phases of growth, reflection, and rebirth.

Through yoga, we practice the fetal pose. Where you lie on your side, curled into a ball, mimicking the comfort of a fetus in the womb. It can be a default space of comfort, a sanctuary where you curl up in a ball and find solace. This pose is best used to start over every day, not just physically but mentally. It's a reminder that we grant ourselves a chance every day to be reborn into our lives. You are allowed to wake up and change your mind, just as you are allowed to wake up and change your life. It's not your fault for the fall; it's your fault if you stay down.

Autumn reminds us to embrace this process, to welcome the cycles of change with open arms still. Just as we anticipate the return of spring when all is in bloom, we should eagerly await the opportunities that come with starting over. It's a chance to cultivate resilience, patience, and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

As we welcome the fall season and all the changes it brings, let's also welcome the idea of starting over in our health and life pursuits. Embrace the wisdom of recognizing when it's time for a fresh beginning and see it as an opportunity rather than a setback.

Just as autumn leaves create a mosaic of colors on the ground, every step of our journey, including the restarts and resets, contributes to the beautiful mosaic of our lives. So, let's allow the crisp autumn air to invigorate our spirits, and with determination and enthusiasm, embark on this season of renewal.


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