The Magic You Are Looking For Is In The Work You Are Avoiding

Distractions and the allure of instant gratification can often lead us astray. This week the intention is, "The magic you are looking for can be found in the work you are avoiding."  It's essential to recognize that the magic we seek is not hidden in some elusive realm or fantasy. Instead, it can be found in the very work we tend to avoid, the challenges we hesitate to confront.

Before we can begin to understand the magic of confronting our avoided tasks, it's crucial to unveil the enigmatic nature of procrastination. This age-old habit is a significant roadblock on our path to productivity and self-fulfillment.  If we start to understand the why of procrastination, the sooner we can develop a plan to overcome it.  Most of the time, it’s the choices we continually make that will define us. Thus, when we tell ourselves repeatedly that we are too tired, then we will perceive/make ourselves feel too tired increasingly. Think about a long day at work. We often come home and plop ourselves on the couch. This small action can be enough to cement ourselves to the couch for several hours. It’s not the end of the world to relax, however we then end up saying we don’t have time for other things. These several hours could have been used for infinite other reasons and purposes. It did not take much to sit on the couch.  It maybe costs you about two minutes to pull off your shoes, grab a snack and sit down, but in the end, it costed you several hours. One small action led to a self-imposed roadblock.

One of the primary culprits behind procrastination is our innate desire for instant gratification. We're wired to seek pleasure and avoid discomfort. When faced with a task that requires effort, we're naturally inclined to delay it if we can find a more immediate source of enjoyment, like scrolling through social media or watching TV.

Another powerful driver of procrastination is the fear of failure. The more significant the task, the greater the fear of not meeting expectations. Consequently, we often postpone tasks that require significant effort and are associated with a risk of falling short. The funniest part is… this fear can only be addressed head on. The fear will only persist and develop a stronger foothold on your decisions. It’s important to recognize why the fear is associated with the action.

Some people procrastinate as a result of decisional procrastination. This occurs when a task is avoided because you're unsure of how to begin or feel overwhelmed by the number of decisions involved. If I asked you to write an entire book, you may think that’s impossible. How could anyone write that much? But if I asked you to write one sentence about your life everyday, then you could write hundreds to thousands  of pages over a lifetime.

Though these roadblocks are often intimidating, these are difficulties we should face to develop ourselves.  There is a Marcus Aurelius statement, “What is in the way, becomes the way.” Basically, the challenges we face are for a reason.  They are here to teach us patience, moderation, courage, or wisdom. All these traits cannot be found until you actively test them.  No one can say they have courage and never show it. Therefore, to learn patience, you MUST have your patience tested. So it’s important to face roadblocks head on. Much like in video games, when there are no enemies around, then you are probably heading in the wrong direction. It is often the things we avoid that could add to our character. If we fear something, the only way to overcome it is to challenge it and get more comfortable with it.

Understanding why we procrastinate is a vital step in conquering this behavior. Yet the true transformation lies in confronting the work we've been avoiding.

Here's where we unlock the magic:

  • Create a sense of accomplishment in small steps. Perhaps the most immediate and profound effect of tackling unfinished business is the sense of accomplishment it generates. This emotional reward reinforces the idea that effort is worthwhile and that we are capable of completing tasks.

  • Unfinished tasks weigh on our minds, often causing stress and anxiety. By addressing these tasks, we lift a significant burden on our mental and emotional well-being. Instead of trying to wait 20 days and scribble through 20 pages in one night, try to write one page for each of 20 days. Both will lead to 20 pages, but which one will be more thought out.

  • As we complete tasks we've avoided, our self-confidence grows. We begin to see ourselves as capable individuals who can overcome challenges, ultimately contributing to a positive self-perception.

  • Conquering procrastination requires self-discipline, a skill that becomes more robust with practice. When we confront tasks head-on, we cultivate our ability to stay focused and stick to our goals.

Now that we recognize the power of tackling avoided work, how can we integrate this practice into our lives? Here are some strategies to help you embrace the magic within:

  • Start by prioritizing your tasks. Identify the most critical ones, and then break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This approach makes intimidating tasks feel less overwhelming.

  • Set clear and specific goals for each task. Having a defined objective makes it easier to stay on track and measure your progress.

  • Minimize distractions in your workspace, whether physical or digital. A clutter-free, organized environment can significantly enhance your focus.

  • Share your goals with a friend, family member, or colleague who can help hold you accountable. Having someone to report your progress to can be a powerful motivator.

  • If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, do it immediately. This approach prevents small tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming.

  • Incorporate a reward system into your task management. Treat yourself when you accomplish a task to create positive associations with work.

As we journey through this week, let's remember that the magic we seek isn't elusive or distant. It's right here, in the work we've been avoiding. By understanding why we procrastinate, acknowledging the power of confronting procrastination, and employing effective strategies, we can embrace the magic within ourselves. It's a journey worth taking, leading to increased productivity, a sense of accomplishment, and ultimately, a more fulfilling life. So, start today, and unlock the boundless potential within you. Turn off the tv and spend your time on something more valuable and worthy of your time.


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