Do Not Deny Being Yourself

Your unwavering truth should stand firm: "This is who I am. This is what I am come hell or high water, because if I deny that, I deny everything I fought so hard to become." These powerful words, from Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), echo the sentiment of a resilient spirit that refuses to bow to adversity, a declaration that authenticity is non-negotiable, even in the face of life's harshest tests. This is not to be confused with hardheaded, stubborn arrogance, but understood as a beacon helping to ensure your decisions change you into what you wish to be.

I have used this quote a number of times over the years as a soft reboot and reminder of what I am doing and who I wish to be.  For myself, I attempt to test out stoic principles as the markers.  In this, I wish to become patient, courageous, just, and wise. Therefore my actions should help me question what does it mean to practice patience, courage, justice, and wisdom.  All of these characteristics are infinite in nature as I will never be the most patient etc, but I could test myself to gain more.

This world (people) can demand conformity and adherence to societal norms, the act of declaring, "This is who I am," becomes a revolutionary act of self-assertion. It's an acknowledgment that authenticity is not just a preference but an integral part of one's identity. You are only going to be “you”. Your mind and body linked together representing everything you know and have done. This is a special experience as only 1 in 400,000,000,000,000 get to be human and as humans we get about 4000 weeks (about 80 years) to learn it. If we have only been a species for 200,000 years, we only get to experience a short stint on this earth. Be sure you use your time wisely…

Life's trials are often the way in which our true selves are forged. The battles we face, whether internal or external, reveal facets of our character that may remain dormant in times of ease. Embracing the challenges becomes a journey of self-discovery, where we unearth strengths and resilience we didn't know we possessed. This is why it is important to be yourself. We can find ourselves later in life regretting not being authentic, a feeling can drag on us as our thoughts, actions, and behaviors fall out of alignment.  We may be able to “fake the funk” for a little while, but it's really hard to keep a lie going your whole life. Think about how many other stories we have learned about people’s hidden lives. Whether good or bad it is important to allow ourselves to safely adjust and understand experiences and then ask ourself. “Who am I and What do I want of this life?”

The notion of “Hell or high water” symbolizes the extreme challenges that life throws our way. In the face of such adversity, the temptation to conform, to compromise authenticity for momentary relief, can be overwhelming. Yet, this intention is a steadfast refusal to yield. It's a commitment to authenticity even when the waters get rough, reminding us that denying our true selves would nullify the essence of our hard-fought battles.

"This is what I am" signifies an acknowledgment of the journey that has led to the present moment. It's an acceptance of growth, transformation, and the evolution that occurs through life's myriad experiences. Denying this reality would be to deny the richness of the path traveled and the lessons learned. It’s perfectly normal to look back and reflect on your life thus far. Remember it’s a part of your journey and not the entirety of it.

More than just a Green Arrow quote, it's a pledge to remain authentic not only in times of ease but especially in times of adversity. The declaration becomes a source of strength, a mantra that empowers individuals to weather life's storms without compromising their true selves.

This intention is a battle cry that resounds with the resilience of a spirit unwilling to compromise on its true essence. It's an invitation to embrace authenticity not as a luxury but as an indispensable element of our identity. For, in being unapologetically true to ourselves, we honor the battles fought, the growth achieved, and the unwavering resolve that declares, "This is who I am, and I will not deny who I wish to be!"


Embrace Difficulties


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