What You Seek Is Seeking You

"What you seek is seeking you" is profoundly significant for your day-to-day life. This notion transcends the mere act of searching; it delves into the interconnected dance between our desires and the universe's response. As you embark on this quest, whether for personal growth, meaningful relationships, or a sense of community, there's a reciprocal force at play—the community you seek is also in search of you. Therefore, it is paramount for you to be as you wish to be. Behave and act according to your expectations.  These things will attract other similar things. Consider the analogy of being mindful of your behavior and actions. If negativity becomes a focal point of your interactions, it tends to shape the community around you in a similar light. Conversely, if you exude positivity and ambition, you naturally gravitate towards those who share similar traits.

We have all had a moment where we felt “at home” around certain people.  It’s easy to speak to them, or they share common thoughts, and even arguments are easy to handle and move past. If you want to be smart, spend time with smart people.  If you want to be strong, spend your time around strong people.  If you want to be ambitious, then spend your time around people with ambition.

At the heart of this concept is the power of intention. When you set your sights on a particular goal or aspiration, you send out energetic signals into the universe. As I set an intention every week to encourage myself to seek out and become more like that thought, this energy I invest is seeking reciprocation, creating a magnetic pull between my intentions and the elements that can fulfill them. Much like if I told you about a red car, you may start to see more red cars.  It gives you something to look for. However, the inverse is also true.  If I say, don’t think about pink elephants, you may immediately think about the color or characteristics of an elephant. So be careful with how you use your brain, because if I think about avoiding negative things, then I’m still thinking about negative things.

This also aligns with the principles of the Law of Attraction—the idea that like attracts like. Your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions emit frequencies that resonate with similar energies in the cosmos. If you seek positivity, growth, or a supportive community, your vibrational frequency becomes attuned to those same qualities in the collective energy field. The fun part is that we pick up the traits of the ones we spend time with. I often think about the people I am around and then process this exact thought: “Spend time with five smokers; you become the 6th”. ” You become the people you spend time with. Consider finding your tribe or community. As you yearn for like-minded individuals, people who share your values, interests, and aspirations are simultaneously sending out their signals. The universe, acting as a cosmic matchmaker, coordinates encounters and connections, bringing together those whose quests align.

Embarking on a journey of seeking and being sought requires both openness and patience. Sometimes, what you seek doesn't arrive in the expected form or time. The universe, in its infinite wisdom, might present opportunities and connections in unexpected ways. Maintain an open heart and a flexible mindset. Trust and continue the process, even when the path seems ambiguous or challenging. Every twist and turn is part of the cosmic choreography, guiding you toward the community, experiences, or growth you seek.

There's a beautiful symmetry in realizing that, as you actively seek, you also become a sought-after presence. If you aspire to find a community built on kindness, authenticity, and support, embody those qualities. Be the beacon of the community you wish to belong to, and you'll find that your energy attracts like-minded souls. Participate in activities aligned with your interests, engage in conversations that reflect your values, and contribute positively to the spaces you inhabit. As you radiate the energy you seek, the reciprocity of the universe works its magic, drawing to you those who resonate with the essence you embody.


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