The Power of Now

The Power of Now is a powerful and transformative book that is sure to make a lasting impact on myself. The author, Eckhart Tolle, is a spiritual teacher who has written several books on the subject of awakening to the present moment. In this book, he focuses on the power of living in the present moment and how it can transform our lives. Tolle begins by discussing the concept of enlightenment and how it can be achieved through the power of now. He then goes on to explore the different aspects of the present moment, including the body, the mind, and the ego. The ego stuff was the best part.

One of the most powerful concepts in the book is the idea that the present moment is all there is. Being “present” was often a word word I heard in yoga classes. For a while, it felt like a copout because I would think, “I’m already here, how/why should I be more present?” After completing this one, there was new perspectives and opportunities to let go of past and future and simply exist right now. Accept the good, the bad and not change anything but just listen to it. Tolle argues that the past and the future are merely illusions created by the mind, and that the only true reality is the present moment. He encourages readers to let go of their attachment to the past and the future and to focus on living fully in the present moment.

Throughout the book, Tolle offers practical advice on how to achieve this state of presence. He encourages us to pay attention to breath, to observe thoughts without judgment, and to connect with the natural world around us. He also offers insights into how the ego can hold us back from living in the present moment, and how we can learn to overcome its grip.

Quick notes on ego:

  1. Recognize the Ego:

    • Tolle encourages readers to become aware of the ways in which their ego is holding them back. He suggests that the ego can manifest in different ways, such as through negative self-talk or a tendency to judge others. By recognizing these patterns, we can begin to overcome them.

  2. Observe the Ego:

    • Tolle recommends observing the ego without judgment. He suggests that we become the witness of our thoughts and emotions, rather than identifying with them. By observing the ego from a place of detachment, we can begin to disidentify with it and move beyond its grip.

  3. Accept the Present Moment:

    • Tolle suggests that the ego is always seeking to escape the present moment, either by dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. He encourages readers to accept the present moment as it is, without resistance or judgment. By doing so, we can begin to let go of the ego's hold on us.

  4. Practice Presence:

    • Tolle recommends practicing presence as a way to move beyond the ego. He suggests that we focus on our breath, our body, or our surroundings, and use this as a gateway to the present moment. By practicing presence, we can cultivate a state of awareness that is beyond the ego's grip.

Overall, The Power of Now is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that offers a fresh perspective on the importance of living in the present moment. Tolle's writing is clear and concise, and his insights are both practical and profound. Whether you are looking for a new way to approach spirituality or simply seeking a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, this book is a must-read. Highly recommended. Odd note… the audiobook have a bell sound when me “makes a point”.

Here is a quick summary of the chapters if you don’t have the time.

Chapter 1: The Power of Now In this chapter, Tolle introduces the concept of enlightenment and the power of living in the present moment. He argues that the past and the future are mere illusions created by the mind, and that the only true reality is the present moment.

Chapter 2: Consciousness: The Way Out of Pain Tolle explores the concept of consciousness and how it can help us overcome pain and suffering. He encourages readers to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment, and to connect with the stillness and silence that lies within.

Chapter 3: Moving Deeply into the Now In this chapter, Tolle offers practical advice on how to achieve a state of presence. He encourages readers to focus on their breath, to observe their thoughts without judgment, and to connect with the natural world around them.

Chapter 4: Mind Strategies for Avoiding the Now Tolle discusses the ways in which the mind can hold us back from living in the present moment. He offers insights into how the ego can create resistance and obstacles to our spiritual growth, and how we can learn to overcome its grip.

Chapter 5: The State of Presence Tolle explores the concept of presence and how it can transform our lives. He encourages readers to let go of their attachment to the past and the future, and to focus on living fully in the present moment.

Chapter 6: The Inner Body In this chapter, Tolle discusses the importance of connecting with our inner body. He encourages readers to focus on the sensations in their body and to use this awareness as a gateway to the present moment.

Chapter 7: Portals into the Unmanifested Tolle explores the concept of the unmanifested and how we can connect with it through various portals, such as nature, music, and art. He encourages readers to explore these portals as a way to deepen their connection to the present moment.

Chapter 8: Enlightened Relationships In this chapter, Tolle discusses the importance of cultivating enlightened relationships. He offers insights into how our ego can create conflict and how we can learn to let go of our attachment to others.

Chapter 9: Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness There Is Peace Tolle explores the concept of peace and how it can be achieved through living in the present moment. He encourages readers to let go of their attachment to happiness and unhappiness and to focus on the underlying peace that exists within.

Chapter 10: The Meaning of Surrender In the final chapter, Tolle discusses the concept of surrender and how it can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth. He encourages readers to let go of their attachment to the past and the future and to surrender to the present moment.


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