Black Widow

This workout is full body with extra hamstring and vertical back

Black Widow, also known as Natasha Romanoff, is a skilled spy and assassin in the Marvel Universe. Trained in the Red Room, she possesses exceptional combat skills, agility, and marksmanship. As a former KGB operative turned Avenger, Black Widow often finds herself torn between her dark past and her desire to redeem herself by fighting for justice alongside her fellow heroes. With her cunning intellect and resourcefulness, she plays a vital role in thwarting threats to humanity, proving herself to be a formidable and multifaceted character in the Marvel universe.

This one is almost all body weight. There is an option on TRX, but can be subbed

1) Pullups 4 sets of best you can do. If you can nail 10-12 shoot for there

video on pull-ups with trx

2) Side Lunges 2 sets 30 reps/side

video on side lunges

3) See-Saw Lunges 2 sets 15 reps/side

video on see saw lunges

4) Burpees 5 minutes (Every minute on the minute) 10-15 Burpees (can be scales down to 5/round)

video on burpees

5) English Push-Ups 3 sets 10reps/side

video english push up

6) TRX Hamstring or Sock Sliders 3 sets 12-15 reps

video on trx hamstring curls

hamstring sock slider

7) Shadow Boxing Rounds 3 sets of 1 min of shadow boxing or a favorite cardio moment. (high intensity recommended)

videos on shado boxing


Quicksilver (BW)


Robin (BW)