
This workout is very leg focused with a bit of shoulders

She-Hulk is a superhero character created by Marvel Comics, who first appeared in 1980. The alter ego of Jennifer Walters, a lawyer and cousin of Bruce Banner (the Hulk), She-Hulk possesses superhuman strength, durability, and healing abilities. Unlike Bruce Banner, Jennifer is able to retain her personality and intelligence when she transforms into She-Hulk, allowing her to continue practicing law and using her legal skills to help her superhero allies. She-Hulk is often portrayed as a witty and confident hero, unafraid to use her powers to protect the innocent and fight against injustice.

This is just a beast to get through. Just run it in order and push to RPE 8.5–9. This means keep going until you think you can complete about 1 more clean rep.

1) Alternating Lunge with Row 2 sets 12-15 reps (if you get all 30 reps cleanly, add weight) {progression pause at the top with your lifted knee at 90}

a video on how to lunge row

2) Goblet Squat 3 sets 8-12 reps (focused pause on the the bottom) (if you get all 36 reps cleanly, add weight) {progression-Add Overhead Press}

video on goblet squats

3) Deadlift to Barbell Row 2 sets 8-10 reps (go light and focus on keeping neutral back. think am I moving my hips or my spine. go for hips)

These also can be split into separate lifts.

video on deadlift to row

4) Sumo Squat 3 sets 10-12 (focus on the external rotation of your hips)

a video on sumo squats

5) SUPERSET: Overhead Triceps Extension 4 sets 12-15 & Face Pulls 4 sets 12-15

video on overhead tricep extension extension

a video on how to do a facepull

video on dumbbell facepulls

6) Squat to Bicep Curl 2 sets of 6-10 Pick a heavy weight work you keep your shoulders back {progression-go to failure/drop the weight fail again]

video on how to squat and curl


Thor (DB & RB)


Batman (DB & TRX)