
Thor is a superhero character created by Marvel Comics, who first appeared in 1962. The son of Odin, the king of Asgard, Thor possesses incredible physical strength, endurance, and durability, as well as the ability to summon lightning and control the elements. He wields a magical hammer named Mjolnir, which only he can lift, and is a founding member of the Avengers. Thor is often portrayed as a noble and honorable hero, willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good and to protect the innocent from various threats, both on Earth and throughout the Nine Realms.

This is run as straight through with 1 minute rest between sets. Get your arms ready!

1) Dumbbell Snatch 3 sets 8-12 reps

Video on how to perform a snatch exercise

2)Hammer Curls 2 sets 15-20 reps (go lighter)

a video on how to hammer curl

3) Curl to OH Press to Triceps Press 3 sets 6-8 reps

a video on how to curl overhead press and a trice overhead extension

4) Row to Triceps Kickback 4 sets 8-10 reps

a video on how to row and complete a trice kickback

5) Crazy 8’s Bicep Curl 2 Sets (8 upper half/8 lower half/8 full reps)

video on bicep crazy 8s

6) Triceps Pulldown 3 sets 8-10 reps

Video on how to do tricep pulldown

7) Turkish Get-Up 2 sets 5 reps/side

video on Turkish getups


Aquaman (BB)


She-Hulk (BB & DB & RB)