Caramel Apple Proatmeal (makes 3-4)

Calories 288/Protein 14g/Carbs 37g/Fat 10g (per serving)

Ingredient List


  • 2 cups of Steel Cut oats

  • 4 cups of water/almond milk

  • 1 Medium Granny Smith Apple (or that apple you like)

  • 20-30g of Caramel (it’s like 2 grandma serving of her pocket candy)

  • 1 scoop Vanilla Casein Protein

  • Optional

    • 1 tsp cinnamon

    • 1/2 tsp nutmeg

    • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Pour everything to a crockpot

  2. Set on low and let it run overnight. I do recommend stirring it up once or twice before bed.

  3. Spoon out a serving into your favorite eating vessel.

    1. Add more apple, other fruits, or low-cal syrup, (Walden Farms).


Pumpkin Proatmeal Calories 217/Protein 21g/Carbs 26g/Fat 5g (per serving)


Crescent Egg Roll-Ups Calories 185/Protein 8g/Carbs 14g/Fat 11g (per serving)