Pop-Tarts (from Flexible Dieting Lifestyle) makes 6

Calories 174/Protein 11g/Carbs 28g/Fat 11g (per serving)

This recipe is from Flexible Dieting Lifestyle. Link to his video below. If you want Pop-Tarts, this is it. It can be altered a bunch of different ways for your taste.

Ingredient List

Dough Ingredients (makes 6 Pop Tarts)

  • 135g All Purpose flour

  • 36g Powered PB

  • 150g Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt

  • 1 ½ full vials Vanilla @SweetLeafStevia (can sub for 8g Zero Cal Sweetener of your choice) - or 5g Vanilla Extract

  • little egg white to use as egg wash


  • 100g Fresh Raspberries or your favorite mashed up fruit

    Protein Frosting

  • 30g Cake Pop PE Science Select Protein or Vanilla Casein Protein

  • 15g Powered Sugar or low calorie fake sugar

  • 4g of Sugar Free/Fat Free White Chocolate Pudding Mix (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 400F

  2. Mix the dough ingredients to look like dough. Crazy how that can work sometimes. Also a little water can go a long way to correct an issue.

  3. Put the dough in the fridge for a little bit.

  4. Mash up the fruit. You can add a little sugar or spices to the fruit to customize it

  5. Roll out the dough to 1/8-1/4 in rectangle and cut 12

  6. Dollop a tsp or two of the fruit mix in the center of cut dough

  7. Brush the edge with egg wash, top with other, crimp the edge with a fork and poke some vents in it

  8. brush the top with egg wash

  9. bake for 3-6 minutes (depends on oven bruh)

  10. Mix up the frosting ingredients, and top the cooled pastry.

  11. can freeze the rest to use later.


Protein Blueberry Muffins Calories 112/Protein 7g/Carbs 14g/Fat 3g (per serving) 1/12


Strawberry Banana Bake Calories 96/Protein 5g/Carbs 20g/Fat 1g (per serving) makes 12