Black Adam (BB & DB)

Black Adam, also known as Teth-Adam, is a powerful antihero and occasional antagonist in DC Comics. Initially granted the powers of the Egyptian gods by the wizard Shazam, Black Adam was intended to be a champion of justice but was corrupted by his own ambition and desire for vengeance. Possessing incredible strength, speed, stamina, and the ability to harness magical lightning, Black Adam often clashes with superheroes like Shazam and the Justice League. Despite his ruthless methods, Black Adam is driven by a sense of honor and duty to his people of Kahndaq, leading him to occasionally align himself with heroes when their interests align.

Goblet Squat (HIGH VOLUME go light) 10 sets of 10 reps

Pendlay Row 4 sets of 6-8 (don’t slam the weight into the ground. guide it down)

Good Morning (Bodyweight) 4 sets of 15 (focus on sending hips way back. Chest to the front. Try to go more Ying Yang Twins Window to the Wall.)

Push Ups 3 sets (1 set warmup and 2 sets to failure)

Lateral Raise (High Volume) 3 sets (1st heavy for 10-12) (2nd lighter 12-15) (3rd lightest 15-20)

Barbell Curls (High Volume) 3 sets (1st heavy for 10-12) (2nd lighter 12-15) (3rd lightest 15-20)

Accordion Crunch 4 sets of 8-12 reps


Nightwing (BB)


Shang Chi (DB/MB/RB)